Serve the Kingdom
Shout to the Lord all the Earth, let us sing!

Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir leads in the 11 AM Sunday morning Sanctuary Worship Service. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. All experience levels are welcome!
Contact - Josh Johnson

Total Praise - Youth Choir
Music gives us opportunities to express ourselves. Learning, practicing and leading music together gives youth the opportunity to express themselves as leaders. Practices are on Sundays at 5 PM in the Choir Room during the school year.
Contact - Michelle Anderson

Sanctuary Handbell Choir
Our Handbell Choir is vital part of our Sacred Music Program. This Choir leads in our Sanctuary Worship Services seasonally. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 5:30 PM in the Handbell Room.
Contact - Josh Johnson

Children's Choir
Children's choir gives our kids the opportunity to sing in the church during special services and events throughout the year like our Family Christmas Eve Service. Practices are on Wednesday Nights during the school year.
Contact - Jessica Mungle

Contemporary Praise Band
Our Contemporary Praise band leads music and worship in the 9 AM Contemporary Service. Rehearsals are at 7 PM on Wednesdays in the CLC. All voices and instruments are welcome to audition for the Praise Band.
Contact - Mike Stramiello

Instrumental Ensemble
New Music Ministry! Calling all trumpeters and flautists, brass blowers and reed whetters, and everyone in between - we want YOU for our new Instrumental Music Ministry! The Instrumental Music Ministry is a group of musicians who will glorify God by practicing and playing special music in worship throughout the year.
Contact - Ronnie Garner