The Children's Ministry at First United Methodist Church of Benton seeks to provide a safe environment in which all children feel God's love, learn to wonder, and to grow in their faith. We offer events for the whole family, so that children and their grownups have opportunities to engage together in faith-centered rituals and celebrations. Our ministry programs serve children ages birth through 4th grade.
If you have any questions about our Children's Ministry, please feel free to contact our Director of Children's Ministry, Jessica Mungle.
If you have any questions about our Children's Ministry, please feel free to contact our Director of Children's Ministry, Jessica Mungle.
Sunday Morning
8:30 Worship in the Sanctuary or Nursery Care
9:00 Worship in the CLC or Nursery Care
9:30 Children's Church (dismissed from the 9:00 service)
10:00 Sunday School
11:00 Worship in the Sanctuary or Nursery Care
Wednesday Evenings
5:00 Fellowship Meal in the CLC
6:00 1st Kids W.O.W (Worship on Wednesdays)
8:30 Worship in the Sanctuary or Nursery Care
9:00 Worship in the CLC or Nursery Care
9:30 Children's Church (dismissed from the 9:00 service)
10:00 Sunday School
11:00 Worship in the Sanctuary or Nursery Care
Wednesday Evenings
5:00 Fellowship Meal in the CLC
6:00 1st Kids W.O.W (Worship on Wednesdays)
Sunday School
Sunday School classes for 2-year-old through Prek5 are located in room 155B in the Children's Wing, downstairs.
Children Kindergarten through 4th grade meet upstairs in the Village of Faith in rooms 213 and 214.
Sunday School classes for 2-year-old through Prek5 are located in room 155B in the Children's Wing, downstairs.
Children Kindergarten through 4th grade meet upstairs in the Village of Faith in rooms 213 and 214.
Worship Care
Our nursery is open from 8:30 to 12:00 to care for infants up to age 3 and are cared for by our trained nursery staff.
As part of our Contemporary worship service at 9:05, children ages Kindergarten and younger are invited to Children's Church in our Children's chapel, located close to the CLC. Children start with their families for singing and prayers and then are led by our staff to hear stories and play. Children are then led back to the worship service.
Our nursery is open from 8:30 to 12:00 to care for infants up to age 3 and are cared for by our trained nursery staff.
As part of our Contemporary worship service at 9:05, children ages Kindergarten and younger are invited to Children's Church in our Children's chapel, located close to the CLC. Children start with their families for singing and prayers and then are led by our staff to hear stories and play. Children are then led back to the worship service.
1st Kids W.O.W (Worship on Wednesdays)
Our Wednesday nights are for spiritual formation, fun, and fellowship! We start with our Fellowship Meal in the CLC at 5:00, and then split into small groups at 6:00. Our Preschool children gather in our Children's Chapel while our Elementary students stay in the CLC.
Our Wednesday nights are for spiritual formation, fun, and fellowship! We start with our Fellowship Meal in the CLC at 5:00, and then split into small groups at 6:00. Our Preschool children gather in our Children's Chapel while our Elementary students stay in the CLC.
Special Events
We hold special events throughout the year including our Christmas Pageant, Pentecost Party, Children's Sabbath, our community Fall Fest and Easter Egg Hunt and more! Our VBS is the highlight of our summer each year! We also have hang-outs throughout the year to meet outside of the church.
We hold special events throughout the year including our Christmas Pageant, Pentecost Party, Children's Sabbath, our community Fall Fest and Easter Egg Hunt and more! Our VBS is the highlight of our summer each year! We also have hang-outs throughout the year to meet outside of the church.
Children 2nd grade and older, who serve God and the church by bringing the light of Jesus into the Sanctuary so that we may "see" his way to live. Acolytes are needed for the traditional services.
Children 2nd grade and older, who serve God and the church by bringing the light of Jesus into the Sanctuary so that we may "see" his way to live. Acolytes are needed for the traditional services.
Volunteers Needed
There are multiple opportunities to help in the Children's Ministry, from Sunday school leaders, Wednesday night 1st Kids leaders, VBS volunteers, and more! Please click on the
Volunteer Now tab to let us know you are interested and on the Safe Gatherings tab to get started on Safe Gatherings Certification.
Volunteer Now tab to let us know you are interested and on the Safe Gatherings tab to get started on Safe Gatherings Certification.